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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Be a Peacemaker

I can listen to my mom. Anna

Be A Peacemaker

I can get along with my little sister Kyla and teach her and my brothers.

Be A Peacemaker

I can be honest and responsible.

Be a Peacemaker

I can Be Responsble or my frends. Margie

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Be A Peacemaker

I can make the world much better by being friends with the the white chiljren and the black ones too.

Be a Peacemaker

I can play with everybody in the park. I be responsible to everybody.
Kevin D

Be a Peacemaker

I can be peacemaker by doing good stuff like helping a old lady open a door, not bullying and not doing bullying stuff. I will go to chirch and pray at nite and in the morning. I come to school to Learn and I CAN KEEP THE WORLD SAFE AND KEEP IT KLEAN by doing this stuff.

I like books.

Kevin S

Be a Peacemaker

I can make the world peaceful by walking away frum bullying when some one trys to bully me . Thats how I can make the world peaceful!